Pre-Primary Childrensday Celebrations

  • Pre-Primary Childrensday Celebrations

Though 20th November is celebrated throughout the world as World Children’s day, 14 November is celebrated as Children’s Day or Bal Diwas only in India as a tribute to our First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru who believed that children are the future of our country.

Pre-primary children at HPS on 12th November celebrated children’s day with much fun and frolic. Pandemic effected all our lives but could not stop the excitement of the children on that day. PP1 children dressed in their best watched presentations on Circus, played riddles  and enjoyed listening to animals sounds. PP2 children saw presentations and videos of their previous year and recollected the wonderful time they spent with their classmates in the school. They played a game to keep up the excitement. Finally, they drank their favorite milkshake decorated by them with their friends and teacher. That was one day when children did not want to logout of the class and one more precious page went down the memory lane.
