Councils in the School
“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” – Coretta Scott King
At The Hyderabad Public School, we firmly believe in the power of community, especially in the context of education and global progress. By forming extensive Councils at the school, we can better organize the needs and requirements of the school, and can better implement the necessary things in order to function smoother.
Academic Council
1. The Academic Council will comprise the Principal, Vice Principal, HM Primary, Academic Heads from Pre Primary, Primary & Head of Departments, Special Needs Educator.
2. The Principal will be the Chairman of the council.
3. The Secretary (Annual rotation) will be the Executive Functionary of the council.
4. The council will be responsible for the following –
- Deciding the school academic policy.
- Ensuring high academic standards.
- Reviewing progress of students, department wise.
- Discussing academic procedures and practices.
- Deciding the promotion policy and approving the promotion of each student.
- Approving names of students for cash awards, academic achievements awards etc.
- Approving textbooks for the forthcoming academic session.
5. The Academic Council will meet once every month.
6. The Secretary will maintain agenda and minutes of the meeting.
School Council
Aim and mission:
The School Council will be one of the apex bodies of the school that will advise the Principal on various issues concerning the entire school. It will also aim to allow students to have a say in issues that affect their lives and to develop student leadership.
Scope and Limitations:
Its primary function will be to suggest ideas that will make the life of the student community better. The suggestions and recommendations of School Council will be forwarded to Principal’s Council. The Principal’s Council can modify or reject the recommendations of the School Council. The School Council will also have the power to recommend candidates for School Colours at the end of the academic year. However the Principal will have the final say in this matter. The School Council will not discuss any issues dealing with teachers or staff members. It will also not comment about organizational or policy matters. The scope of the School Council is advisory and its advice is not binding on the Principal’s Council and the Principal.
The School Council will consist of following members.
- Principal (Chairman)
- Vice Principal
- Registrar
- HM Primary
- Middle School Coordinator
- Director of Sports
- A representative from Housemasters’ Council
- A representative from the Pre Primary school teachers
- A representative from the Primary school teachers
- A representative from the Middle and Senior school teachers
- Head Boy (Secretary on alternate year)
- Head Girl (Secretary on alternate year)
- All House Captains
- From each Class, one Primary school representative from classes 3 – 5 (through nomination) one middle school representative from class 6 – 8(through nomination), one senior representative from class 9 -12(through nomination) NO PREFECTS
- One Boarding House representative
Meeting and Agenda:
The School Council will meet at least once a month in the library or any other place decided by the Principal. Everyone should be dressed formally for the meeting. The Secretary will maintain the agenda and minutes of the meeting in a register.
Housemaster’s Council
House Masters’ Council consists of the following members:
- Principal
- Vice Principal
- Registrar
- HM Primary
- House Masters
- Director of Sports
- Activities in charge
- Head of events / inter house competitions
The meeting takes place once in a month in Principal’s office. The agenda of the meeting is prepared by Vice Principal in consultation with housemasters. The council is headed by the Principal. The council basically discusses things related to the pastoral life of the school. Issues related to discipline, academics, dispersal, day to day life are discussed in the council. The feedback of all the houses is given by respective housemasters and recommendations based on the problem are then implemented. Strategies which should help the school to run in order and discipline also are part of discussion in the council. The council even proposes if any changes which is required in the school/house to make the life better for all the students. The Major disciplinary issues either inside the class room or outside the class room are also discussed or decided for a final conclusion. The decision taken in the meeting is recorded as minutes and circulated for further implementation.
Prefectorial Council & Code Of Honour
Every year from among various levels, the school appoints 80 – 100 boys and girls in a position of power and authority to uphold school discipline and provide support to teachers and Principal in running of the school and maintain discipline in the school. They work under the guidance and supervision of teachers who are their mentors. They do not have much of punitive powers but use counselling and self-example as ways to inculcate discipline among the students.
Student participation in the decision making at school is an important part of their education and in training for leadership. The Prefectorial body is an important platform to empower students in leadership and responsible behavior. The Prefects uphold the values and ideals of the school and share the vision of the school management with larger student community.
We believe that a true Eaglet will be a woman or a man who will put nation and society before self and will rise above narrow mindedness and expand the ambits of their personalities to become effective leaders. Our endeavor through Prefect body is to shape such leaders of tomorrow, leaders who are able, talented, confident but also humane, sensitive and imaginative.
The guiding principles of Prefect ship are:
- Role Model (Lead by Example): A boy or girl in a position of authority is always under scrutiny. Hence, it is important that a prefect’s own behavior is exemplary so those students emulate them. His/Her own behavior will set the standard of behavior of the School.
- Sacrifice: Being a leader involves making huge sacrifice both in personal and public life. One cannot do many things or say things that you could do or say if you are not a leader
- Loyalty: A Prefect should be loyal to his her alma mater and its ideals and values. A Prefect responsibility is to uphold the values and Principles of the School
- School Discipline: The main role of a Prefect is to make sure that students follow school rules and regulations all the time. A Prefect is the custodian of the School and it is important that as a person a Prefect follows the rule Himself/herself all the time
- Sense of responsibility: Prefectship is about responsibility and self – confidence. It inculcates the importance of responsible behavior towards oneself as well as larger society.
- Impartiality in conduct and duties: A Prefect should be impartial and fair in his/her dealings with peers and juniors and should not be seen as favouring or supporting someone who is wrong. Being impartial and just are important virtues of being a good leader.
- Mannerism: A Prefect should be gentle and soft in his/her approach and not use punishments frequently to make a point. His/her behavior towards subordinate and teaching staff as well as with juniors should be respectful and polite.
- Empathy, Guidance and Help: A Prefect should always be ready to help others especially juniors. In fact Prefects are first port of calls for juniors and a Prefect should be able to handle it satisfactorily. In a situation where adult intervention is required, he/she should report the matter to his/her HM or Vice Principal. A Prefect should never support bullying and should always report the matter to the concerned authorities.
- Resilience to criticism and back biting. Should hold larger goods in focus and should not get distracted by petty squabbles. The idea is not to be popular. Anyone can be popular.
- Power to Punish: The greatest art in punishment is to do without it. Prefects should use persuasion and counselling as medium to enforce discipline and adherence to rules and regulations. Under no circumstances a Prefect should use physical violence.
Food Council
Aim and mission:
The aim of Food Council is to help and advise the Catering Manager in running the Dining Hall in an efficient manner by recommending changes in the menu and service within the budget allocated to the Dining Hall. The idea is to have a menu which is nutritious, healthy and popular. An additional aim is to allow students to participate in discussions and policy making.
The Food Council can suggest changes in the menu as well as provide an alternative, feasible menu. The Food Council will have to work within the budget provided by the Principal to the Catering Manager for the academic year. The Principal can use his discretion in matter dealt with by the Food Council and will be the final point of appeal.
The Food Council will consist of following members.
- Principal (Chairman)
- Vice Principal
- Registrar
- HM Primary
- Middle School Coordinator
- Catering Manager
- Asst. Catering Manager
- A representative from the Pre Primary school teachers
- A representative from the Primary school teachers
- A representative from the Middle and Senior school teachers
- Deputy Head Boy(Secretary on alternate year)
- Deputy Head Girl(Secretary on alternate year)
- All House Vice Captains
- From each Class, one Primary school representative from classes 3 – 5 (through nomination) one middle school representative from class 6 – 8(through nomination), one senior representative from class 9 -12(through nomination) NO PREFECTS
- One Boarding House representative
Meeting and Agenda:
The Food Council will meet at least once a month in the Dining hall or any other place decided by the Principal. Everyone should be dressed formally for the meeting. The secretary will maintain the agenda and minutes of the meeting in a register.
Library Council
To inculcate a healthy reading habit among students of The Hyderabad Public School and to obtain suggestions on how to improve the facilities in the library. An additional aim is to allow students to participate in discussions and policy making.
The scope of Library Council includes but is not limited to the purchase of books/journals and audio – video resources. It should concern itself with making the library a vibrant and frequented place for the students. The Library Council has to work within the budget provided in an academic year.
a) Principal (Chairman)
b) Vice Principal
c) Registrar
d) HM Primary
e) Librarian (Secretary)
f) Primary Librarian
g) Asst. Librarian
h) A representative from each Deptt.
i) Two representatives from Primary School Teachers
j) From each Class, one Primary school representative from classes 3 – 5 (through nomination) one middle school representative from class 6 – 8(through nomination), one senior representative from class 9 -12(through nomination) NO PREFECTS
Meeting and Agenda:
The Library Council will meet at least once a month in the library. Everyone should be dressed formally for the meeting. The Librarian will maintain the agenda and minutes of the meeting in a register.
Technology Council
To inculcate a healthy and progressive technological use among students of The Hyderabad Public School and to obtain suggestions on how to improve the facilities in the school. An additional aim is to allow students to participate in discussions and policy making.
The scope of Technology Council includes but is not limited to the purchase of software / hardware and audio – video resources. It should concern itself with making the school a vibrant and technologically advanced and up to date place for the students. The Technology Council has to work within the budget provided in an academic year.
a) Principal (Chairman)
b) Vice Principal
c) Registrar
d) HM Primary
e) HOD Computers (Secretary)
f) All Computer teachers
g) A representative from each Deptt.
h) A representative from Primary Teachers
i) System Administrator
j) From each Class, one Primary school representative from classes 3 – 5 (through nomination) one middle school representative from class 6 – 8(through nomination), one senior representative from class 9 -12(through nomination) NO PREFECTS
Meeting and Agenda:
The Technology Council will meet at least once a month in the New Mini Auditorium. Everyone should be dressed formally for the meeting. The HOD Computers will maintain the agenda and minutes of the meeting in a register.
School Study Council
1. The School Study Council will comprise the Principal, Vice Principal, HM Primary, Class Coordinators from Pre Primary, Primary & Senior and Middle School.
2. The Principal will be the Chairman of the council.
3. The Secretary (Annual rotation) will be the Executive Functionary of the council.
4. The council will be responsible for the following –
- Deciding the class allocation policy.
- Ensuring high academic standards.
- Reviewing progress of students, class wise.
- Discussing academic procedures and practices.
- Deciding the discipline policy and looking into class discipline and infrastructure.
- Maintaining the upkeep of classrooms.
5. The school study Council will meet once every month.
6. The Secretary will maintain agenda and minutes of the meeting.
Administrative Council
1. The Administrative Council will comprise the Principal, Registrar, Accounts Manager, Catering Manager, JME, Estate Manager, Store Manager, Purchase in Charge, Store in Charge.
2. The Principal will be the Chairman of the council.
3. The Registrar will be the Executive Functionary / Secretary of the council.
4. The council will be responsible for the following –
- Deciding the school administrative policy.
- Ensuring high administrative standards.
- Reviewing progress of works, maintenance department wise.
- Discussing administrative procedures and practices.
- Planning and Approving textbooks distribution for the forthcoming academic session.
- Planning Budgets.
5. The Administrative Council will meet once every month.
6. The Secretary will maintain agenda and minutes of the meeting.
Sports Council
To inculcate a healthy and progressive life style among students of The Hyderabad Public School and to obtain suggestions on how to improve the sports facilities and sports culture in the school. An additional aim is to allow students to participate in discussions and policy making.
The scope of Sports Council includes but is not limited to the purchase of sports items; inter school / house competitions, Rules and regulations and anything else related to sports in school. It should concern itself with making the school a vibrant, advanced and up to date place in sports for the students. The Sports Council has to work within the budget provided in an academic year.
a) Principal (Chairman)
b) Vice Principal
c) Registrar
d) HM Primary
e) Director of Sports
f) All Sports teachers
g) Estate Manager
h) From each Class, one Primary school representative from classes 3 – 5 (through nomination) one middle school representative from class 6 – 8(through nomination), one senior representative from class 9 -12(through nomination) NO PREFECTS
Meeting and Agenda:
The Sports Council will meet at least once a month in the New Mini Auditorium. Everyone should be dressed formally for the meeting. The Director of Sports will maintain the agenda and minutes of the meeting in a register.