History & Civics

  • History & Civics

“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

The primary mission of the History Department is to instil patriotism into the students and give them knowledge to become a good citizen. The department also aims to bring awareness about Indian and World History and introduce the students about the rich and glorified past of their motherland . The curriculum prescribed by the ISC and ICSE is taught along with values, raising future citizens who will respect and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture and strive to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood. The students are motivated to study the history of countries other than India, to undertake the study of Historiography and the philosophy of History.

History & Civics

The objectives of the Department of History at The HPS are to help the students to learn and understand the values of our composite culture and to promote harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst the people; to learn how to collect and correlate facts and to express results in vivid formats; to encourage students to study without bias or prejudice; to inculcate skills like understanding, tolerance, and gratitude; to highlight intellectual traditions and to develop the skill of thought. It is our aim to facilitate the study of history of countries other than India, to undertake the study of Historiography and the philosophy of History, and to provide knowledge of the theory and practice of historical writing.


Ms. T Padmavathi
TGT – History
Head of Department

Educational Qualifications:
B.A., B.Ed
Teaching Responsibilities:
Grades 6 – 10

Ms. G. Roja Rani
TGT – History

Educational Qualifications:
M.A. (Pol.Science ,History), M.Ed
Teaching Responsibilities:
Grades 6 – 10

Mr. Jithender Reddy
TGT – History

Educational Qualifications:
M.A. , B.Ed
Teaching Responsibilities:
Grades 6 – 10

Ms. Jyoti Tomar
PGT – History

Educational Qualifications:
M.A., M.Phil, B.Ed
Teaching Responsibilities:
Grades 6 – 12

New Project (21)

Ms. Athira Lipi
TGT – History

Educational Qualifications:
Integrated M.A., NET
Teaching Responsibilities:
Grades 6 – 9