Inter House SUPW Competition 2023 Report

The Inter House SUPW (Socially Useful Productive Work) Competition was held on 14th October 2023, aligning with our school’s rich tradition of promoting holistic development and creativity among students. The theme for this year’s competition was “Wealth out of Waste,” emphasizing the importance of sustainability and resourcefulness.
Participants competed in two categories: Intermediate and Secondary. The diverse range of topics showcased the creativity and skills of our students. These included Healthy Shake-Nutritious Snacks, Door Toran-Alpana, Flower Making-Flower Arrangement, and Origami-Environmental Friendly Hand Stitched Bag with a thoughtful slogan.
The students demonstrated exceptional talent and ingenuity in their presentations, showcasing their commitment to the theme and the environment. We extend our gratitude to the school management for providing all necessary facilities and opportunities for organizing this event.
Special thanks go to the esteemed panel of judges who assessed the students’ performances, offering valuable feedback and tips for improvement. The school logistics team also deserves appreciation for their unwavering support and assistance in organizing the event seamlessly.
Moreover, we express our sincere appreciation to the parents for their continuous support and encouragement throughout the competition. Last but not least, a big applause to all the participants for their hard work, dedication, and outstanding contributions, showcasing their very best.
We eagerly anticipate the announcement of the results on the upcoming working day. Congratulations to all the participants once again for their exceptional efforts.
