Play is the Highest Form of Research.
~Albert Einstein
It has been scientifically proved that children who play outdoors have better vision and well-developed gross motor skills. Though the pandemic took away the joy of kids playing in parks and other outdoors, PP1 children celebrated Kinds of Sports from 9.9.20 to 11.9.20 to enjoy the spirit of playing. Children dressed in sports costume logged into the online class with pictures or equipment or anything related to their favorite sport and actively participated in show and tell activity. Children were least aware of how they were making creative use of resources around them. Each day a sport was planned such as lemon and the spoon, dribbling of ball, table tennis, which children spoke about the sport first, followed by playing it. They were shown interesting presentations about different kinds of sports. Those three days helped them grow physically, emotionally and socially. That’s what sports generally do.


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