Red Day 2023

“Sparkling Red Day: A Fun and Engaging Learning Activity for Toddlers”
June 27, 2023, marked the much-awaited ‘Red Day’ celebration that was held at the school. This event was a unique learning activity that allowed the tiny toddlers to sort and classify objects based on colours, thereby reinforcing cognitive skills. The children were all dressed up in red, and the teachers had planned many exciting hands-on activities for them.
The ‘Red Day’ celebration was a scintillating experience for the children, with their innocent faces gleaming with brightness, joy, love, and happiness. Evidently, the event had been planned with great care and attention to detail.
The PP1 class boards were decorated in red, with each panel having a different theme in red. The children were also given a craft takeaway to cherish. They were able to explore their surroundings and learn about the colour red in a fun and engaging way. The teachers did an excellent job of keeping the children engaged throughout the day and ensuring that they had a memorable experience.
The ‘Red Day’ celebration was a huge success, and the children had a wonderful time. It was heartwarming to see the children’s faces lit up with excitement and happiness as they participated in the activities. The event was a great way to introduce the children to the school and make them feel at home. The ‘Red Day’ celebration was truly a sparkling red day that the children will remember for a long time to come.
