School Exhibition

The Hyderabad Public School organised ‘School Exhibition’ on Friday 11, 2019, which was inaugurated by Mr. Srinivas Danda , IRS,Commissioner of Income Tax, Hyderabad at 0900 Hrs at Shaheen Block.

The students showcased plethora of interesting and varied topics ranging from Art, literature and hobbies to the environment, science and technology.

The innovations like Hovercraft and solar tracker where explained by the physics enthusiasts. The budding chemists demonstrated manufacture of soap and explained causes of acid rain and pollution with help of visual aids.

The Environmental Sciences department educated the visitors about Biodiversity and different kinds of sustainable agriculture involving various farming methods. The Young mathematicians not only exhibited models on traditional concept of mathematics but also engaged visitors in brain teaser puzzles and games.

The Department of Biology had informative displays on genetics, DNA: the blue print of life and DNA extracted from plant material .A wide range of specimens were displayed along with demonstration of life activities. The Department of Information and Communication Technology had showcased various programming languages and technology projects ranging from hardware to software,

The students of the Department of English put up a innovative and dramatic presentation of a popular story besides an interesting ‘Language matters’ capsule. The Department of SUPW showcased articles crafted out of waste by the students, where as Art Dept proudly displayed the masterpieces in different school of art artistically executed by the Eagles in various media .The demonstrations of various asana   by the students advocated Yoga for health concept.

The extracurricular activities were also showcased bringing to fore the all round and comprehensive education that The Hyderabad Public School believes in. On the Intercultural programs, an exhibit on AFS Intercultural programme, which HPS is member school was displayed, showing the students visit to Japan under JENESYS 2018.
