Smile Day

  • Smile Day

“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” ~ Anonymous

The famous smiley face was created in 1963 by artist Harvey Ball and it became the most recognizable symbol of goodwill and good cheers on the planet. In his memory, World Smile Day is celebrated in October throughout the world.

At HPS, children of PP2 celebrated Smile Day on the 21st of September. Presentations on the benefits of smiling were shown and children were encouraged to make at least one person smile each day. They were involved in different activities related to smiley emotions such as Mood-o-meter, smiley pencil cap holders, smiley cookies, smiley on bread and balloons, etc.

True to the name, the day started with smiles and ended with smiles. Children enjoyed the day thoroughly because all it took was just a smile.
