Visit to TSFA

On January 8, 2019, students of  classes 6 to 8 and 3 teachers visited Telangana State Forest Academy located at  Dulapally village of Ranga Reddy district at a distance of 24 km from Hyderabad city. The institute is acting as state level centre for training the personnel of Forest Department, representatives of NGOs and Vana Samrakshana Samithis (VSS) on various aspects of natural and other states such as Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka on Forestry and Geomatics related topics and natural resource management

The trip was aimed to sensitize the students about the environment and its richness. The authorities of the academy instructed the students about the objective and rules of the place they were in. The students were divided into two groups and were introduced to various trees, their botanical names, history and uses to mankind during walk on a nature trail. After a walk of 3-4 kilometers, they were given the adventurous experience of rock climbing that stood amidst the whole institute and gave an over view of the entire forest area around them. The students were introduced to important medicinal herbs in herbal garden.

The visit was concluded with an open house taken over by the Director of the Telangana State Forest Academy where HPS students amused them by the stupendous interactive session and the director seemed over whelmed to answer to that innocent but necessary curiosity of the youngsters. He briefed the students that India needs more trees so each one should focus on planting and refrain from cutting in order to save nature and mankind on the earth.
